Healing - a blessed way to grow.

Healing – A Blessed Feeling

Ashish Shrungarpure

Your Personal Astrologer, Yoga Teacher, & Life and Business Coach

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Crying is a deeply natural and instinctual response to a wide range of emotions, serving as a vital outlet for our feelings. Not only does crying help to express emotions, but it also significantly boosts both your emotional and physical health in various ways. It’s important to understand that crying is not merely a call for attention; rather, it is a powerful call for connection and sharing with others. One fascinating aspect of crying is the phenomenon known as Tears of Joy, or TOJ. This special form of crying can occur when a person is completely immersed in situations that bring about immense joy and pleasure. Furthermore, studies have suggested that crying plays a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis within the body by facilitating emotional and physical recovery. In this way, tears can be seen not just as a sign of sadness, but as an important part of the human experience that allows for healing and growth.

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