Discover the magic within your horoscope and unlock the power to live your best life! Horoscope reading is a phenomenal step towards achieving personal and spiritual growth. Each subject of your horoscope serves as a guide, supplying you with the tools necessary for success in all areas of life. Full horoscope readings provide a roadmap for your journey, showing you how to navigate the twists and turns that come your way. By understanding the unique aspects of your life, and gaining deep insights into them, horoscope readings can offer invaluable guidance and direction. Whether you’re looking for answers to specific problems or seeking a comprehensive analysis of your life, horoscope readings have got you covered! Don’t wait any longer to gain a deeper understanding of your horoscope and the incredible potential within you!

3 hours discussion

With or Without Birth Chart

  • 1 person 1 horoscope discussion for the native in subject
  • No discussion about family or friend’s subjects/concerns

The discussion points for full horoscope reading for any individual will cover all the following subjects – 

  • Subject-1) Purpose of Birth & Voice of Soul
  • Subject-2) Yoga / Dosh Analysis
  • Subject-3) Wealth-Property & Money Astrology
  • Subject-4) Health Astrology – Disease & Recovery, and possible health concerns
  • Subject-5) Career – Job/Profession Astrology
  • Subject-6) Foreign Travel – Migration for personal 0r professional reasons
  • Subject-7) Legal Matters – Analysis of existing or possible legal matters
  • Subject-8) Individual Marriage-Love-Relationship Divorce-Separation Analysis
  • Subject-9) Relation with parents
  • Subject-10) Relation with in-laws
  • Subject-11) Relation with children
  • Subject-12) Guidance on Spirituality – Devata/Mantra/Yoga Guidance
  • Subject-13) Your Strengths & Weaknesses
  • Additional subject) Other concerns

Additional subjects for a female horoscope –  

  • Subject 14) Female Horoscopy – स्त्री जातक

Additional subjects for a kid/teen horoscope –  

  • Subject 14) Teen’s Behavior vs Parents Treatment OR Relation with Children
  • Subject 15) Teen’s Futurology Sports-Studies-Arts
  • Subject 16) Teen’s Curiosity & Growth

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*EMI option available for India

  • Full Personal Horoscope

    3 Hours discussion

  • Full Personal Horoscope

    3 Hours discussion

Ashish Shrungarpure

Any Two Individuals

60 minutes discussion

With the Birth Chart

  • Date of Birth, Time of Birth, and Place of Birth are required


Without the Birth Chart

  • People whose birth details are missing or if they’re not willing to get through the Birth Chart analysis can opt for the Time Chart (Horary Astrology) analysis and remedial measures
  • There’s an accurate and assured method which is called Time Chart (Horary Astrology) or Prasna Kundali (प्रश्न कुंडली)
  • The time when the Jataka (person in the subject), Jyotish (astrologer) and panchaga (ephemeris) are spotted together is captured and the horoscope of that date-time-location is plotted
    • This horoscope forecasts everything about the question or concern of the Jataka at that point in time and ensures the correct remedial measures 
  • Subject – Couple Horoscope Matchmaking | Guna Milan
    • Who can benefit?
      • Spouse
      • Lover
      • Live-In Partner
      • Parent Child
      • Siblings / Cousins
      • In-Laws
      • Business Partner
      • Two Friends
      • Owner & Pet
      • Any Two Living-beings

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*EMI option available for India

  • Matchmaking Personal Horoscope

    60 min discussion

  • Matchmaking Personal Horoscope

    60 min discussion

Ashish Shrungarpure

MUHURAT for Marriage

Marriage Muhurat Astrology Service

With or Without Horoscope

विवाह जैसे मांगलिक कार्यों के लिए ग्रह नक्षत्रों की स्थितियों का विचार किया जाता है।

The positions of the planetary constellations are considered for auspicious functions like marriage. Auspicious time of marriage, which is also called a Vivah Muhurat as per vedic texts, is never a generic muhurat from a Panchang for any couple. 

Each couple holds different and unique planetary influence on their bonding, trust, cooperation, happiness, luck and love factors. That is where studying a personal horoscope with or without the birth chart of the couple becomes necessary for calculating the correct and unique time for a better married life.

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*EMI option available for India

  • Muhurat for Marriage

    30 min discussion

  • Muhurat for Marriage

    30 min discussion

Ashish Shrungarpure

Birth Time Rectification

With the Birth Chart

Birth Time Rectification (BTR) 

Birth date, location & time are known

  1. Where the birth date, location and time are known, it is observed that the birth time taken from the hospital records or parents is somewhat near to the actual birth time which may cause deviation in suggesting the remedial measures as no twins hold the same destiny
  2. Birth Time Verification (BTV) is carried for the Jataka (person in subject) who is approaching for the first time
    1. Five major events are taken and compared with the mathematics of Dasha period, planetary position and yoga formed as per the birth details given by the person
  3. Birth Time Rectification (BTR) – The correct or accurate birth time of the person is the one that matches all these events and this happens to be very specific even in the case of twins where there’re difference of a few minutes or seconds
  4. Vedic reading or consultation will be carried based on the rectified time

Birth date, location & approximate time are known

  1. Where the birth date is known, however, approximate birth time is known example, morning or evening
  2. Birth Time Verification (BTV) is carried for the Jataka (person in the subject) who is approaching for the first time
    1. Five major events are taken and compared with the mathematics of Dasha period, planetary position and yoga formed as per the details provided by the person
  3. Birth Time Rectification (BTR) – The correct or accurate birth time of the person is the one that matches all these events and this happens to be very specific even in the case of twins where there’s a difference of a few minutes or seconds
  4. Vedic reading or consultation will be carried based on the rectified time

Birth month, year and location are known however, the birth date and time are not known

  1. Where the birth month, year and location are known however, the birth date and time are not known
  2. Birth Date & Time Determination (BDTD) is carried for the Jataka (person in the subject) who is approaching for the first time
    1. Five major events are taken and compared with the mathematics of Dasha period, planetary position and yoga formed as per the details provided by the person
    2. The correct or accurate birth date and time of the person is the one that matches all these events and this happens to be very specific even in the case of twins where there’s a difference of a few minutes or seconds
  3. Vedic reading or consultation will be carried based on the determined birth date and time

Birth Time Rectification
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PDF Report - No Horoscope Analysis

Birth Time Rectification

PDF report via email - No horoscope analysis or discussion



Ashish Shrungarpure
Personal Horoscope Consultation
One Subject
45 min discussion
Two Subjects
90 min discussion
Three Subjects
135 min discussion
Full Personal Horoscope
3 Hrs discussion
Match-making Personal Horoscope
60 min discussion
Ashish Shrungarpure

Razorpay Payment Gateway

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*EMI option available for India

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Individual’s birth plays a crucial role in determining their destiny and life path. Vedic astrology with the reading of horoscope suggests that the purpose of an individual’s birth is to fulfill a specific life mission or karmic purpose. Vedic astrology is an ancient Indian system of astrology that guides people in understanding their purpose of birth or the voice of their soul. Through the study of planetary positions, energies, and movements at the time of birth, Vedic astrology creates a roadmap of an individual’s life journey, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges. By connecting with the cosmic energy and aligning with the natural rhythms of the universe, Vedic astrology helps individuals improve their lives, make better decisions, and achieve their goals. With Vedic astrology, you can unlock the power within yourself to improve your life and reach your full potential. Your birth is not just a coincidence; it’s a divine plan, and Vedic astrology can help you discover it. Knowing your horoscope can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

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  • Pitru Dosha | पितृदोष
  • Preta Dosha | प्रेतदोष 
  • Kalsarpa Dosha | कालसर्पदोष
  • Rahu/Ketu Dosha
  • Mangalik or Mangal Dosha
  • Shani Dosha & Sade Sati Discussion
  • Dhana Prapti Yoga
  • More, which are seen in the horoscope

Along with understanding the dosha, opportunity and challenges, you can choose this subject to prepare a horosocope, you are looking for prepare your birth chart.

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Vedic Astrology is helpful for finding your higher purpose and spirituality. By learning about the planets and your horoscope, you can find your guiding deity and the mantra that fits you best. This special mantra can help you activate your inner potential and change your life in amazing ways. But, do you know your mantra or are you using one from someone else or from social media, a book, or other sources? Vedic Astrology can help you discover yourself and find your hidden talents. Using this wisdom can help you live your life with more clarity, purpose, and wisdom.

  • Isht Devata | इष्ट देवता
  • Aaradhya Devata | आराध्य​ देवता
  • Guru Devata | गुरु देवता
  • Kula Devata | 
  • The right Mantra & guidance on attaining benefits from it
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The Stree Jataka, or female horoscopy, celebrates the unique journey of a woman through life. According to Vedic astrology, a woman’s existence encompasses multiple chapters of growth, transformation, and evolution. From her pre-marriage life to motherhood, career, and beyond, each phase brings different blessings and challenges.

While it is true that irregular or painful menstruation can lead to health issues, let us focus on the solutions and opportunities presented to us through the realms of female horoscopy (stree jataka). The celestial bodies have a profound impact on a woman’s physical and emotional well-being, and by delving into the unique talents and energies that govern a woman’s life, you can embrace a journey towards true healing and fulfillment. Do not be swayed by negative emotions, but instead turn towards a brighter, more enlightened future by taking control of our destinies.

By tapping into the wisdom of Vedic astrology, women can prepare themselves for the changes ahead and cultivate inner peace and balance. Knowing the tendencies of your mind can help you make more informed decisions, nurture your health, and create abundance in your life. Embrace your journey with open arms and discover the incredible potential within you. Let your horoscope be your guide to a bright, fulfilling future.

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Vedic astrology holds the keys to unlocking your financial potential. With its ancient wisdom, you can discover the path to wealth and prosperity. By understanding the influence of planetary positions, you can gain insight into your income and expense patterns. Knowing where to focus your investments can be the difference between financial stagnation and success. Your horoscope holds the secrets to your financial destiny, and with guidance from Vedic astrology, you can make informed decisions to manifest abundance. The universe is constantly in motion, and Vedic astrology considers both planetary transits and dasha periods to give you a comprehensive view of your financial prospects. Remember that with every challenge comes an opportunity for growth. So seek the guidance of Vedic astrology to unleash your full financial potential and embark on a journey of abundance.

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Vedic astrology is a science that has been practiced for centuries in India and is highly respected by many people. It is believed that astrology can provide insight into various aspects of one’s life, including health. Vedic astrology suggests that health issues are often caused by doshas, malefic planetary influence, or negative energy. By studying one’s birth chart, a Vedic astrologer can determine the root cause of the health concern and recommend remedies to alleviate it. These remedies can include gemstone therapy, using specific mantras, performing particular rituals, and making changes to one’s diet and lifestyle. Astrology can also predict the likelihood of certain diseases and illnesses based on the placement of different planets in a person’s natal chart. Vedic astrology can be a useful tool for those looking for alternative solutions to health concerns and seeking to find balance and harmony in their lives.

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  • Idea about the line of career
  • Discussion about the existing career/job/profession
  • Beneficial line of profession/business/job
  • Second line of income, if mentioned in the horoscope
  • Bhagyodaya (auspicious time/direction) analysis
  • Existing job or professional issues & remedial measures
  • Foreign travel or permanent migration Analysis for Career
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  • Do you have foreign travel in your destiny?
  • Is the foreign travel for temporary period or Migration?
  • Arer reasons for foreign travel for personal or professional?
  • Will the foreign travel be alone or with family?
  • Will the onsite job, business, or profession be fruitful for future?
  • Many more…
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Have you ever considered the power of astrology in unlocking your full potential in the share market? It’s amazing how the information within your horoscope can help you gain valuable insights into your unique skills and karmic patterns. Share market astrology has the potential to offer a fresh perspective on your financial opportunities and guide you towards a bright and prosperous future. You may even need to know if your luck favors the stock market trading for you. So why not take the first step towards exploring the secrets of astrology and discover the amazing potential it holds for your success? Your journey towards financial freedom and abundance starts right now, so don’t hesitate to harness the power of astrology and unlock your full potential both in the share market and beyond!

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Are you ready to unleash the power of your horoscope? The stars have aligned to grant you immense success in politics. The planets Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars will guide you towards great achievements. But wait, there’s more to it than just these planets. Your nakshtra, the degree of planets, and their associations and enmities will also contribute to your journey. Don’t settle for what the internet says. Instead, let us help you channel the energy of your horoscope to excel in your political career. You have the potential to make a significant impact in the world, and we are here to guide you every step of the way. Contact us now and let’s make your dreams a reality.

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Feeling the call of the spotlight but unsure of your path? Let the power of Vedic astrology guide you towards your destined career in the world of entertainment! With dedication and hard work, anything is possible. Unlock your true potential and cultivate your talents as an artist, actor, singer, or any role you desire. Believe in yourself and trust in the guidance of the cosmos – success is within reach!

Are you passionate about pursuing a career in the entertainment industry? Vedic astrology might just hold the key to unlocking your true potential! By exploring the positioning of planets, you can discover which path to take and which talents to cultivate to flourish as an artist, actor, singer, or any other role you desire. Luck may play a part, but with dedication and hard work, you can achieve your dreams and rise to the top! Embrace the power of Vedic astrology and let it guide you towards a fulfilling and rewarding career in the glamorous world of entertainment. Remember, anything is possible with the right mindset and a little cosmic guidance.

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Are you an aspiring filmmaker searching for the perfect name for your upcoming movie or series? Look no further! Vedic astrology can help you tap into the power of the universe and discover your perfect path in the world of entertainment. By studying the placement of planets and exploring their impact on your life, you can find the ideal name, caste, and theme for your project. Let the magic of Vedic astrology guide you to great success, fame, and wealth. With the right mindset and steadfast determination, anything is possible. So, go ahead and explore the world of astrology – your future is bright and filled with endless opportunities!
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Vedic astrology can help you discover yourself. Knowing your horoscope can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

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Vedic astrology can help you discover yourself. Knowing your horoscope can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

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Vedic astrology can help you discover yourself. Knowing your horoscope can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

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Vedic astrology can help you discover yourself. Knowing your horoscope can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

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Vedic astrology can help you discover yourself. Knowing your horoscope can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

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Vedic astrology can help you discover yourself. Knowing your horoscope can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

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Are you curious being a teenager? Let me help you here. I have many teenagers consulting for vedic astrology to know how their curiosity is diverting their focus. Well, Vedic astrology may be able to shed some light on their areas of curiosity and growth! It’s true that teenagers can be impulsive, but with the help of Vedic astrology, you can better understand your unique individual traits and tendencies. Let’s explore this interesting topic together and see how we can use astrology to better understand your teenage in life.
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Vedic astrology can help you discover yourself. Knowing your horoscope can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

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Vedic astrology can help you discover yourself. Knowing your horoscope can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

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Vedic astrology can help you discover yourself. Knowing your horoscope can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

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Vedic astrology can help you discover yourself. Knowing your horoscope can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

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Vedic astrology can help you discover yourself. Knowing your horoscope can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

45 minutes discussion for one subject

You have a magical power within you waiting to be unlocked! Your horoscope is the key to reaching your full potential and living your best life. With each subject of your horoscope acting as a guide, you will have all the tools needed for success in every aspect of your life. Embrace the journey ahead and let your horoscope be your roadmap, showing you how to navigate any obstacles that come your way.

For instance, if you are experiencing relationship problems, you can opt for the subject named ‘Individual Marriage-Love-Relationship-Divorce-Separation.’ Similarly, if you are facing issues related to your career or sole proprietary profession, you can choose the subjeect ‘Career – Job/Profession Astrology.’ Horoscope reading can offer valuable insights into your life and provide guidance for making informed decisions.

As you gain deep insights into the unique aspects of your life, you will discover invaluable guidance and direction that will change your life forever. Why wait any longer to gain a deeper understanding of your horoscope and the incredible potential within you? Let your horoscope reading be the first step towards a fulfilling and enriched life!

With the Birth Chart

  • Date of Birth, Time of Birth, and Place of Birth are required


Without the Birth Chart

  • People whose birth details are missing or if they’re not willing to get through the Birth Chart analysis can opt for the Time Chart (Horary Astrology) analysis and remedial measures
  • There’s an accurate and assured method which is called Time Chart (Horary Astrology) or Prasna Kundali (प्रश्न कुंडली)
  • The time when the Jataka (person in the subject), Jyotish (astrologer) and panchaga (ephemeris) are spotted together is captured and the horoscope of that date-time-location is plotted
    • This horoscope forecasts everything about the question or concern of the Jataka at that point in time offering significant remedial measures 

personal horoscope reading