Remove nefative energy with vastu

Removing Negative Energy

Ashish Shrungarpure

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Vastu Shastra Tips for Removing Destructive Energy from your Home and Office🪔*

Entrance energy tree as per vastu shastra
Vastu lays emphasis on the Pancha Mahabhuta (five primary elements) earth, water, fire, air, and space.

🗣️ Communication is a very important aspect of every habitation, be it human or divine. Is there harmony when two people or a group of people are conversing with each other? Do the communicating partners enjoy the conversation between each other? Is there a constant argument between them? Which place are you both seated? Where do you mostly spend your time with them?

🗣️ Communication is a game of words. Communication makes its mark on the other. Business deals, family decisions, colleagues, societal engagement, and even self-talk is all communication. Vastu has a great impact on our communication. Harmony of communication within and outside one’s personality is the key to a prosperous living.

Make this harmonious energy gather and work positively in your habitation. Follow these four commandments.

✔️* Open your windows 🌅🌄*

Window LifeNAura as per vastu shastra
When the ventilation is good, we experience peace of mind. Air entering into our business/residence home creates the life energy for things to happen positively. Like the nostrils of a human being, windows bring in good energy and expel bad energy. Place ventilators at the top of the windows to expel not only the warm air but also the negative energy. The morning energy coming into the habitations is very special. Apart from bettering your self-talk it keeps the health and harmony among the residents.

✔️*Keep your rooms clean and tidy 💻📱🚪🛋️*

Room LifeNAura as per vastu shastra
Dust and garbage in the rooms create negative energy. Never allow dust to accumulate in the room, in corners, on walls, in cabinets, above and below tables, on computer and TV screens, on doors and windows, or on mirrors. Sometimes the dust accumulates so much that the cobwebs release great negative energy into the rooms. It can cause lethargy, improper thinking and excessive suspiciousness. Pay attention to such accumulated negative energies and clear them daily. When mopping the floor, move the cloth as clockwise as possible. Never keep the dustbin in the southwest or northeast corner of your house, room or table.

✔️ * The power of salt 🍚🍚*

Salt LifeNAura as per vastu shastra
Hate, jealousy and suspicion ending in communicative vengeance create a great negative energy in your home or business place. Remember, there are people who envy your achievements and rejoice in your downfalls. This energy can affect you and your actions physically and mentally. Although not immediately, but over a period, the effect of their negativity is visible to you. To ward off such destruction energy, finish your bath with salt water. Mix one teaspoon of rock salt in half a bucket of warm water and pour the water over yourself after your normal bath. The energy of salt can create a protective aura around you and draw out accumulated negative energy.

✔️ * Think wisely, speak politely and speak good 🧘🏻🧘🏻‍♂️*

Talking LifeNAura as per vastu shastra
Communication is a must part of your gesture that can create good or bad energy. You cannot NOT communicate. Self-talk or talking to a person is a dialogue. Even if you are silent, it is a communication that can lead to misunderstanding. Words are spoken only when they are in the mind. The biggest lie is when you say you didn’t mean what you said. Your mind should be calm, thoughts wise and speech polite. Good words create an environment of harmony that gives wealth and prosperity to the family or business, while bad words cause discord that gives rise to uncontrolled spending and irreversible bad debts. Listen to the views of others. Don’t turn your positive energy into negativity by insulting others. Be receptive. Think for a while and then answer. While eating, do not discuss topics that can cause tension. Make your words such that you get everyone’s love and boost your positivity.

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