What Does Your Star Sign Say About Your Health? Discovering things about your potential health risks from Zodiac sign can help you prevent...

Astro-medical Profiles of Zodiacal Signs

Ashish Shrungarpure

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Astro-medical Profiles of Zodiacal Signs


Human body organs ruled

Head, brain, eyes, face, muscles and pineal gland


Headache, migraine, sinus problems, high BP, skin eruptions, burns, faintness, fever, inflammation, neuralgia, insect bites and stings

Tissue salts

Potassium phosphate helps nerves and brain imbalances


Human body organs ruled

Neck, throat, thyroid gland, larynx, chin, lower jaw, ears, tongue, vocal chords


Stiff neck, tension, excess weight obesity, apoplexy, sore throat, diphtheria, tonsillitis and hypothyroidism

Tissue salts

Sodium sulphate regulates metabolism and water supply


Human body organs ruled

Hands, fingers, arms, shoulders, nerves system, upper ribs, lungs, bronchial tracts, trachea thymus gland


Mental faculty, nerves, nerves strain, lung cancer, asthma, pleurisy, insomnia, restlessness of mind, chest and lungs complains, amnesia, pneumonia and pulmonary disease

Tissue salts

Potassium chloride formation and distribution of fibrin fibrous growth clogging of nose and throat


Human body organs ruled

Breast, stomach, lower ribs, womb and pancreas


Stomach, digestive component, dyspepsia, dropsy, upset stomach, breast disorders, glaucoma, cataracts, jaundice and obesity, gastric disorder and lymphatic system

Tissue salts

Calcium fluoride good for muscles and ligament tonicity, so prevent muscle prolepsis, healthy teeth enamel


Human body organs ruled

Upper back, spine, spleen, heart, aorta and circulation


Cardiovascular heart problems, hardening of arteries, back problems, faintness, fever, blood disorder, aneurysm, high and low BP, angina pectoris spinal, chord problems

Tissue salts

Magnesium phosphate healthy nerve tissue and neurotransmission


Human body organs ruled

Nerves systems, intestines, spleen, stomach, nerves, blood, nails, abdomen, lower dorsal nerves


Anxiety, nerves tension, intestinal cancer, appendicitis, cholera, peritonitis, tapeworm, abdominal disorders, bowel disorder, colic pain and dysentery

Tissue salts

Potassium sulphate circulation of lipids, helps digestion, kidney function, excretion of toxins


Human body organs ruled

Lower back (lumber region), lumber nerves, blood vessels, skin, pancreas, adrenal glands, buttocks and kidneys


Kidneys, abscess, bladder disorder, thigh‟s disease, eczema, gout, sexual problems, diabetes, gout and tumors

Tissue salts

Sodium phosphate balance the acid alkaline function, helps acid function affecting nerves system


Human body organs ruled

Genitals, bladder, cervix, anus, genital urinary tract and prostate gland


Prostate cancer, reproductive and excretory system, venereal diseases, all sexual transmitted problems, and hemorrhoids, piles, renal stones, ruptures, menstrual problems

Tissue salts

Calcium sulphate building and sustaining epithelial tissue


Human body organs ruled

Liver, hips, thigh, arterial system, pelvis and femur (thighbone)


Liver and many components of it. As Jupiter‟s main keyword is that of expansion, swelling, tumor growth, over weight, overindulgence in food, alcohol and drugs, Rheumatoid

Tissue salts

Silica building and maintaining skin, hair, nails, and nerve covers remove skin decomposed matter


Human body organs ruled

Bones, joints, knees, skin and teeth


Skin bones disorders degenerative blockages poor growth, teeth problems, epilepsy, leprosy, constipation, arthritis and depression

Tissue salts

Calcium phosphate bone builder prevent bone disorders


Human body organs ruled

Circulatory system, ankles, Achilles heel, calves, shins and breath


Stress anxiety, muscular spasms, electric shock, circulatory problems, arthritis, varicose veins

Tissue salts

Sodium chloride regulate water regulator of temperature


Human body organs ruled



Glandular problems, addiction to alcohol, drugs, wasting diseases, lethargy gradual, erosion of functions, immune system problem, fluid retention, hormonal imbalances

Tissue salts

Potassium phosphate helps nerves and brain imbalances

Source: Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development. 2020; 8(1): 82-85

Available online on 15.02.2020 at http://ajprd.com | Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development | Open Access to Pharmaceutical and Medical Research | © 2013-20, publisher and licensee AJPRD, This is an Open Access article which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, provided the original work is properly cited

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